Jeopardy!: where and when

Since 2017, I've kept track of all the stations across the United States where Jeopardy! airs; Canadian stations airing the show are also now included. (Additionally, many cable providers in Canada carry affiliates of United States networks air Jeopardy! as well.) The show has its own "where to watch" page.

All but one U.S. TV market has a local affiliate showing Jeopardy!; that one is Glendive, Montana, the smallest in the country. Jeopardy! is available to cable subscribers there on KUMV (NBC Williston, ND).

The four markets in Arizona and Hawaii are denoted with a caret (^), indicating they do not observe Daylight Saving Time. This sheet shows the offsets to Eastern time and aggregated data tables under Standard Time; I have a separate version for Daylight Time, which will appear in this space once DST resumes in March.

The list now includes who owns each station. Owners underlined are networks that own and operate their stations. Owners in italics are locally based.

The list only includes the stations and airing times for new first-run Jeopardy! episodes. Airings of reruns, such as those airing on many stations on Saturdays from the prior season and those from several weeks earlier (the latter often listed as "Daytime Jeopardy!"), are not tracked here.

At the bottom, some breakdown tables. Perhaps someone can take this data and run an update on this blog post from 2014 (archive link) graphically rendering this data. Actually, now I've done so — by local time, by Eastern time, and by network. Also, I wrote a Substack post that contains all three and adds commentary.

A note on market rankings and sizes. I was able to find trustworthy information on Nielsen household counts for both Seasons 40 & 41, but it didn't include figures for the ten smallest Nielsen DMAs. All tables below have been updated based on these new numbers, while retaining the 2022-23 counts for markets 201 to 210. Here are those counts.

For anyone interested: the list of ZIP Codes I used to accomplish this. Also, a page with tables of the media market arranged by time and network.

The main table is sortable; clicking on a column's header cell will sort in ascending order; clicking again reverses the order.

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If anyone notes an error, please let me know via the email address on the site front page.

1New YorkWABCABC7:00 PME7:00 PMABC O&O
2Los AngelesKABCABC7:00 PMP10:00 PMABC O&O
3ChicagoWLSABC3:30 PMC4:30 PMABC O&O
4Dallas-Fort WorthKTVTCBS6:00 PMC7:00 PMCBS O&O
5PhiladelphiaWPVIABC7:00 PME7:00 PMABC O&O
6HoustonKTRKABC11:30 AMC12:30 PMABC O&O
7AtlantaWXIANBC7:30 PME7:30 PMTegna
8Washington (Hagerstown)WJLAABC7:30 PME7:30 PMSinclair
9Boston (Manchester)WBZCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMCBS O&O
10San Francisco-Oakland-San JoseKGOABC7:00 PMP10:00 PMABC O&O
11Tampa-St. Petersburg (Sarasota)WTSPCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMTegna
12Phoenix (Prescott)KTVKIND7:30 PMM^9:30 PMGray
13Seattle-TacomaKOMOABC7:30 PMP10:30 PMSinclair
14DetroitWDIVNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMGraham
15Orlando-Daytona Beach-MelbourneWFTVABC7:00 PME7:00 PMCox
16Minneapolis-St. PaulKARENBC4:30 PMC5:30 PMTegna
17DenverKDVRFOX6:00 PMM8:00 PMNexstar
18Miami-Fort LauderdaleWPLGABC7:30 PME7:30 PMBerkshire Hathaway
19Cleveland-Akron (Canton)WOIOCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMGray
20Sacramento-Stockton-ModestoKXTVABC7:00 PMP10:00 PMTegna
21CharlotteWCNCNBC7:00 PME7:00 PMTegna
22Raleigh-Durham (Fayetteville)WTVDABC7:00 PME7:00 PMABC O&O
23Portland, ORKATUABC7:00 PMP10:00 PMSinclair
24St. LouisKSDKNBC4:30 PMC5:30 PMTegna
25IndianapolisWTHRNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMTegna
26NashvilleWZTVFOX5:00 PMC6:00 PMSinclair
27PittsburghWPXINBC7:30 PME7:30 PMCox
28Salt Lake CityKJZZIND6:30 PMM8:30 PMSinclair
29BaltimoreWBFFFOX7:00 PME7:00 PMSinclair
30San DiegoKNSDNBC7:30 PMP10:30 PMNBC O&O
31San AntonioKENSCBS4:30 PMC5:30 PMTegna
32Hartford & New HavenWTNHABC7:00 PME7:00 PMNexstar
33Kansas CityWDAFFOX3:30 PMC4:30 PMNexstar
34AustinKXANNBC3:30 PMC4:30 PMNexstar
35Columbus, OHWBNSCBS7:00 PME7:00 PMTegna
36Greenville-Spartanburg-Asheville-AndersonWLOSABC7:30 PME7:30 PMSinclair
37CincinnatiWXIXFOX7:30 PME7:30 PMGray
38MilwaukeeWDJTCBS6:00 PMC7:00 PMWeigel
39West Palm Beach-Fort PierceWPBFABC7:30 PME7:30 PMHearst
40Las VegasKLASCBS7:00 PMP10:00 PMNexstar
41JacksonvilleWTLVNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMTegna
42Harrisburg-Lancaster-Lebanon-YorkWHPCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMSinclair
43Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle CreekWWMTCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMSinclair
44Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport NewsWVECABC7:30 PME7:30 PMTegna
45Birmingham (Anniston & Tuscaloosa)WIATCBS3:30 PMC4:30 PMNexstar
46Greensboro-High Point-Winston-SalemWFMYCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMTegna
47Oklahoma CityKFORNBC3:00 PMC4:00 PMNexstar
48Albuquerque-Santa FeKRQECBS6:00 PMM8:00 PMNexstar
49LouisvilleWLKYCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMHearst
50New OrleansWVUEFOX6:00 PMC7:00 PMGray
51MemphisWREGCBS3:30 PMC4:30 PMNexstar
52Providence-New BedfordWPRICBS7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
53Fort Myers-NaplesWBBHNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMHearst
54BuffaloWIVBCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
55Fresno-VisaliaKFSNABC7:00 PMP10:00 PMABC O&O
56Richmond-PetersburgWRICABC7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
57Mobile-Pensacola (Fort Walton)WALAFOX6:00 PMC7:00 PMGray
58Little Rock-Pine BluffKATVABC4:30 PMC5:30 PMSinclair
59Wilkes Barre-Scranton-HazletonWBRENBC7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
60KnoxvilleWBIRNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMTegna
61TulsaKTULABC4:30 PMC5:30 PMSinclair
62Albany-Schenectady-TroyWTENABC7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
63LexingtonWKYTCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMGray
64DaytonWDTNNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
65Tucson (Sierra Vista)KGUNABC4:30 PMM^6:30 PME. W. Scripps
66SpokaneKHQNBC7:00 PMP10:00 PMCowles
67Des Moines-AmesWHONBC3:30 PMC4:30 PMNexstar
68Green Bay-AppletonWLUKFOX6:00 PMC7:00 PMSinclair
69HonoluluKGMBCBS4:30 PMH^9:30 PMGray
70Roanoke-LynchburgWDBJCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMGray
71Wichita-Hutchinson PlusKSNW 1NBC3:30 PMC4:30 PMNexstar
72Flint-Saginaw-Bay CityWNEMCBS7:00 PME7:00 PMGray
73OmahaWOWTNBC6:00 PMC7:00 PMGray
74Springfield, MOKSPR-LDABC5:00 PMC6:00 PMGray
75Huntsville-Decatur (Florence)WAAYABC3:30 PMC4:30 PMAllen
76Columbia, SCWOLOABC7:30 PME7:30 PMBahakel
77MadisonWMTVNBC4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
78Portland-AuburnWMTWABC7:30 PME7:30 PMHearst
79Rochester, NYWROCCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
80Harlingen-Weslaco-Brownsville-McAllenKVEONBC6:00 PMC7:00 PMNexstar
81ToledoWTOLCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMTegna
82Charleston-HuntingtonWSAZNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMGray
83Waco-Temple-BryanKCENNBC4:30 PMC5:30 PMTegna
84SavannahWSAVNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
85Charleston, SCWCBDNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
86ChattanoogaWTVCABC7:30 PME7:30 PMSinclair
87Colorado Springs-PuebloKKTVCBS6:30 PMM8:30 PMGray
88SyracuseWSYTFOX7:30 PME7:30 PMImagicomm
89El Paso (Las Cruces)KDBCCBS6:00 PMM8:00 PMSinclair
90Paducah-Cape Girardeau-HarrisburgWPSDNBC3:30 PMC4:30 PMPaxton
91ShreveportKTBSABC4:30 PMC5:30 PMWray
92Champaign & Springfield-DecaturWANDNBC3:30 PMC4:30 PMBlock
93Burlington-PlattsburghWPTZNBC7:00 PME7:00 PMHearst
94Cedar Rapids-Waterloo-Iowa City & DubuqueKWWLNBC3:30 PMC4:30 PMAllen
95Baton RougeWBRZABC4:30 PMC5:30 PMManship
96Fort Smith-Fayetteville-Springdale-RogersKFSMCBS4:30 PMC5:30 PMTegna
97Myrtle Beach-FlorenceWBTWCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
98BoiseKBOICBS6:00 PMM8:00 PMSinclair
99Jackson, MSWLBTNBC3:30 PMC4:30 PMGray
100South Bend-ElkhartWSBTCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMSinclair
101Tri-Cities, TN-VAWCYBNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMSinclair
102Greenville-New Bern-WashingtonWITNNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMGray
103RenoKOLOABC7:00 PMP10:00 PMGray
104Davenport-Rock Island-MolineKWQCNBC4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
105Tallahassee-ThomasvilleWCTVCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMGray
106Tyler-Longview (Lufkin & Nacogdoches)KLTVABC3:30 PMC4:30 PMGray
107Lincoln & Hastings-KearneyKOLNCBS4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
108Augusta-AikenWRDWCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMGray
109EvansvilleWFIENBC3:30 PMC4:30 PMGray
110Fort WayneWANECBS7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
111Sioux Falls (Mitchell)KDLTNBC5:00 PMC6:00 PMGray
112Johnstown-Altoona-State CollegeWATMABC7:00 PME7:00 PMSinclair
113Fargo-Valley CityKXJB-LDCBS5:00 PMC6:00 PMGray
114Yakima-Pasco-Richland-KennewickKNDONBC7:30 PMP10:30 PMCowles
115Springfield-HolyokeWWLPNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
116Traverse City-CadillacWPBNNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMSinclair
117LansingWILXNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMGray
118YoungstownWKBNCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
119MaconWMAZCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMTegna
120EugeneKVALCBS7:00 PMP10:00 PMSinclair
121Montgomery-SelmaWAKACBS4:30 PMC5:30 PMBahakel
122Peoria-BloomingtonWMBDCBS4:30 PMC5:30 PMNexstar
123Santa Barbara-Santa Maria-San Luis ObispoKSBYNBC7:00 PMP10:00 PME. W. Scripps
124Lafayette, LAKATCABC4:00 PMC5:00 PME. W. Scripps
125BakersfieldKBAKCBS7:00 PMP10:00 PMSinclair
126WilmingtonWECTNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMGray
127Columbus, GA (Opelika, AL)WRBLCBS7:00 PME7:00 PMNexstar
128Monterey-SalinasKSBWNBC7:00 PMP10:00 PMHearst
129La Crosse-Eau ClaireWEAUNBC4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
130Corpus ChristiKZTVCBS3:30 PMC4:30 PME. W. Scripps
131SalisburyWRDE-LDNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMDraper
132AmarilloKFDACBS4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
133Wausau-RhinelanderWJFWNBC4:30 PMC5:30 PMRockfleet
134Columbus-Tupelo-West Point-HoustonWTVANBC12:30 PMC1:30 PMAllen
135Columbia-Jefferson CityKOMUNBC4:00 PMC5:00 PMUniv. of Missouri
136Chico-ReddingKNVNNBC7:30 PMP10:30 PMAllen
137RockfordWREXNBC4:30 PMC5:30 PMAllen
138Duluth-Superior, WIKBJR-DT2CBS4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
139Medford-Klamath FallsKDRVABC7:00 PMP10:00 PMAllen
140LubbockKCBDNBC4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
141TopekaKTKAABC5:00 PMC6:00 PMNexstar
142Monroe-El DoradoKNOECBS4:00 PMC5:00 PMGray
143Beaumont-Port ArthurKFDM-DT3FOX5:00 PMC6:00 PMSinclair
144Odessa-MidlandKMIDABC4:30 PMC5:30 PMNexstar
145Palm SpringsKMIRNBC7:30 PMP10:30 PMEntravision
146AnchorageKYURABC6:00 PMA10:00 PMVision Alaska
147Minot-Bismarck-Dickinson (Williston)KFYR 2NBC4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
148Panama CityWJHGNBC3:30 PMC4:30 PMGray
149Sioux CityKPTH-DT3CBS6:00 PMC7:00 PMSinclair
150Wichita Falls & LawtonKAUZCBS4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
151Joplin-PittsburgKSNFNBC5:00 PMC6:00 PMNexstar
152Albany, GAWSWGCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMMarquee
153Rochester-Mason City-AustinKIMTCBS4:30 PMC5:30 PMAllen
154ErieWSEECBS7:30 PME7:30 PMLilly
155Idaho Falls-Pocatello (Jackson)KPVINBC6:00 PMM8:00 PMImagicomm
156BangorWVIIABC7:30 PME7:30 PMRockfleet
157GainesvilleWGFLCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMSinclair
158Biloxi-GulfportWLOX-DT2CBS6:00 PMC7:00 PMGray
159Terre HauteWTWONBC7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
160Sherman-AdaKTEN-DT3ABC6:00 PMC7:00 PMLockwood
161MissoulaKPAXCBS6:00 PMM8:00 PME. W. Scripps
162BinghamtonWIVTABC7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
163Wheeling-Steubenville, OHWTOVNBC7:00 PME7:00 PMSinclair
164Yuma-El Centro, CAKYMA-DT2NBC4:30 PMM^6:30 PMImagicomm
165BillingsKTVQCBS6:00 PMM8:00 PME. W. Scripps
166Abilene-SweetwaterKTABCBS4:30 PMC5:30 PMNexstar
167Bluefield-Beckley-Oak HillWVNSCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMNexstar
168Hattiesburg-LaurelWDAMNBC4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
169Rapid CityKOTAABC6:30 PMM8:30 PMGray
170DothanWRGXNBC4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
171UticaWKTVNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMHeartland
172Clarksburg-WestonWBOYNBC7:00 PME7:00 PMNexstar
173HarrisonburgWHSVABC7:30 PME7:30 PMGray
174Jackson, TNWBBJABC11:00 AMC12:00 PMBahakel
175Quincy-Hannibal-KeokukKHQACBS12:00 PMC1:00 PMSinclair
176CharlottesvilleWVIRNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMGray
177Lake CharlesKVHPFOX6:30 PMC7:30 PMGray
178Elmira (Corning)WETMNBC7:00 PME7:00 PMNexstar
179WatertownWWNYCBS7:00 PME7:00 PMGray
180Bowling GreenWNKYNBC6:00 PMC7:00 PMMarquee
181MarquetteWLUC-DT2FOX7:00 PME7:00 PMGray
182JonesboroKAIT-DT2NBC4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
183Alexandria, LAKALBNBC4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
184LaredoKYLX-LDCBS6:00 PMC7:00 PMGray
185Butte-BozemanKXLFCBS6:00 PMM8:00 PME. W. Scripps
186Bend, ORKOHDABC7:00 PMP10:00 PMBendBroadband
187Grand Junction-MontroseKKCONBC4:30 PMM6:30 PMGray
188Twin FallsKMVTCBS4:30 PMM6:30 PMGray
189Lafayette, INWLFICBS7:30 PME7:30 PMAllen
190LimaWLIONBC7:30 PME7:30 PMBlock
191Great FallsKRTVCBS6:00 PMM8:00 PME. W. Scripps
192MeridianWTOKABC4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
193Cheyenne-Scottsbluff, NEKGWNCBS6:30 PMM8:30 PMMarquee
194ParkersburgWTAPNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMGray
195Greenwood-GreenvilleWXVT-LDCBS4:30 PMC5:30 PMImagicomm
196EurekaKAEFABC7:30 PMP10:30 PMSinclair
197San AngeloKLSTCBS4:30 PMC5:30 PMNexstar
198Casper-RivertonKCWYNBC6:00 PMM8:00 PMMarquee
199MankatoKMNF-LDNBC5:00 PMC6:00 PMGray
200Ottumwa-KirksvilleKTVOABC2:30 PMC3:30 PMSinclair
201St. JosephKQTVABC4:30 PMC5:30 PMHeartland
202FairbanksKATNABC6:00 PMA10:00 PMVision Alaska
203ZanesvilleWHIZNBC7:30 PME7:30 PMMarquee
204VictoriaKXTS-LDCBS6:00 PMC7:00 PMMorgan Murphy
205HelenaKXLH-LDCBS6:00 PMM8:00 PME. W. Scripps
206Presque IsleWAGMCBS7:30 PME7:30 PMGray
207JuneauKJUDABC6:00 PMA10:00 PMVision Alaska
208AlpenaWBKBCBS7:00 PME7:00 PMMorgan Murphy
209North PlatteKNPL-LDCBS4:30 PMC5:30 PMGray
1 KSNW (NBC Wichita) is the flagship of the regional Kansas State Network; its programming is retransmitted within the market by KSNC (Hays), KSNG (Garden City/Dodge City), KSNK (Oberlin/McCook, NE), and KSNL-LD (Salina).
2 KFYR (NBC Bismarck) is the flagship of the regional NBC North Dakota; its programming is retransmitted within the market by KMOT (Minot), KQCD (Dickinson), and KUMV (Williston).

Canadian stations

The five stations listed below are are all members of a "collective" called indieNET, which I imagine negotiates a single syndication agreement for all of them. (indieNET has a sixth member, CHCH, but it has the same regional coverage as CITS.)
Hamilton, ON (Greater Toronto Area)CITSYes TV7:30 PME7:30 PM
VancouverCHEKIND7:30 PMP10:30 PM
CalgaryCKCSYes TV7:30 PMM9:30 PM
EdmontonCKESYes TV7:30 PMM9:30 PM
St. John's, NLCJON
IND8:00 PMN6:30 PM

By network

ABC51 (24.3%)51,093,800 (40.6%)
CBS71 (33.8%)31,423,290 (25.0%)
FOX12 (5.7%)8,654,250 (6.9%)
IND2 (1.0%)3,361,720 (2.7%)
NBC73 (34.8%)31,234,340 (24.8%)

By local air time

TimeStationsHouseholdsEDT (E)CDT (C)MDT (M)MST (M^)PDT (P)ADT (A)HST (H^)
11:00 AM199,7400 / 01 / 99,7400 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
11:30 AM12,797,4200 / 01 / 2,797,4200 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
12:00 PM199,6500 / 01 / 99,6500 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
12:30 PM1190,9500 / 01 / 190,9500 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
2:30 PM147,0200 / 01 / 47,0200 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
3:00 PM1762,7000 / 01 / 762,7000 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
3:30 PM1610,963,0700 / 016 / 10,963,0700 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
4:00 PM3606,8800 / 03 / 606,8800 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
4:30 PM3912,274,0800 / 034 / 11,023,0802 / 158,1602 / 622,3200 / 00 / 01 / 470,520
5:00 PM82,767,6900 / 08 / 2,767,6900 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
6:00 PM2711,628,1900 / 013 / 7,507,08011 / 3,890,5100 / 00 / 03 / 230,6000 / 0
6:30 PM51,820,4300 / 01 / 97,1704 / 1,723,2600 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
7:00 PM3235,111,18018 / 20,375,3600 / 00 / 00 / 014 / 14,735,8200 / 00 / 0
7:30 PM7346,598,40066 / 40,502,7300 / 00 / 01 / 2,198,2006 / 3,897,4700 / 00 / 0

By air time expressed in Eastern time

TimeStationsHouseholdsEDT (E)CDT (C)MDT (M)MST (M^)PDT (P)ADT (A)HST (H^)
12:00 PM199,7400 / 01 / 99,7400 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
12:30 PM12,797,4200 / 01 / 2,797,4200 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
1:00 PM199,6500 / 01 / 99,6500 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
1:30 PM1190,9500 / 01 / 190,9500 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
3:30 PM147,0200 / 01 / 47,0200 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
4:00 PM1762,7000 / 01 / 762,7000 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
4:30 PM1610,963,0700 / 016 / 10,963,0700 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
5:00 PM3606,8800 / 03 / 606,8800 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
5:30 PM3411,023,0800 / 034 / 11,023,0800 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
6:00 PM82,767,6900 / 08 / 2,767,6900 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
6:30 PM4780,4800 / 00 / 02 / 158,1602 / 622,3200 / 00 / 00 / 0
7:00 PM3127,882,44018 / 20,375,36013 / 7,507,0800 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
7:30 PM6740,599,90066 / 40,502,7301 / 97,1700 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
8:00 PM113,890,5100 / 00 / 011 / 3,890,5100 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
8:30 PM41,723,2600 / 00 / 04 / 1,723,2600 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 0
9:30 PM22,668,7200 / 00 / 00 / 01 / 2,198,2000 / 00 / 01 / 470,520
10:00 PM1714,966,4200 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 014 / 14,735,8203 / 230,6000 / 0
10:30 PM63,897,4700 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 06 / 3,897,4700 / 00 / 0

By station owner

ABC O&O827,452,970
CBS O&O25,848,950
NBC O&O11,116,150
E. W. Scripps91,639,420
Vision Alaska3230,600
Morgan Murphy250,730
Berkshire Hathaway11,756,920
Univ. of Missouri1190,370

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