Current as of October 3, 2024.
Weekday | All champions | 5+ time champions | 10+ time champions |
Monday |
391 (20.3%) |
23 |
5 Madden, Collins, Holzhauer, Amodio, Long |
Tuesday |
360 (18.7%) |
21 |
4 Jennings, Fisher, Pannullo, Lalonde |
Wednesday |
393 (20.4%) |
31 |
5 Chu, Jackson, Wilson, Schneider, Harmeyer |
Thursday |
398 (20.7%) |
26 |
2 Rogers, Zuffranieri |
Friday |
382 (19.9%) |
28 |
1 Roach |
The table does account for instances in which a defending champion lost twice (for example, Bob Mesko and Ryan Fenster). If a player lost in their first appearance, and was subsequently brought back and won, the first loss (i.e. as a challenger) is not included.